The Mother Nurture Method

Group Programme

The Mother Nurture Method helps new & expectant Mums overcome mental and emotional health struggles, to find balance, emotional control and self-confidence on their perinatal journey.

Imagine what your life would look like to not be afraid of your thoughts and emotions, the journey ahead or how you feel on your journey as a new or expectant Mum.

Imagine what it would feel like to be able to let go of feelings of doubt, guilt or failure and be able to see your worth and enjoy the journey you are on, without the cloud of anxiety, depression or emotional overwhelm standing in your way!

The solution to your struggles is right here!

In overcoming your mental and emotional health struggles, you will simplify your life, save you emotional energy and time, re-connect you to who you are and provide hope and motivation for the future and how you want to think and feel, and what you want life to look like for you and your family unit.

You will no longer have to spend all your time and energy worrying about all the worst case scenarios, trying to control the future or feel guilty about the way you’re feeling because everyone always tells you to “enjoy every minute”. I get it, I’ve been there! I am a mother, and previous anxiety sufferer, too and I know what you are going through!

I overcame the same struggles you are facing by tackling my negative internal voice, understanding my thoughts and how I fed into my own feelings and boosted my self-esteem and confidence, so that I was in the best possible head space to be there for my family. I let go of the guilt, not feeling good enough and the pressure I was putting on myself to be perfect, and not only feeling like, but continually telling myself, I was failing! I realised pregnancy and motherhood was hard enough without all of this doubt and anxiety piled on top!

That’s why I created the Mother Nurture Method; a programme for new and expectant mums to overcome their anxiety for a calmer, balanced, more in control life.

My group programme only runs once per year and is a programme for women who:

  • Have struggled too long with emotional health issues like anxiety, depression, intrusive thoughts and low self-worth

  • Are feeling like they are missing all the exciting moments in their pregnancy to motherhood journey because doubt and overwhelm have taken over

  • Want the head space, energy and time to focus on the things in life that make them feel more like themselves again

  • Want to regain their confidence, self-worth and identity!

  • And live a life anxiety, fear and worry free!

Here is how working together will take you from anxious and overwhelmed to content and emotionally in control!

This group programme only runs once per year, and is tailored entirely to the worries, apprehensions, goals and aspirations of the group. You will be supported and guided through the whole process while you make significant changes in your emotional health and wellbeing. I know overcoming your anxiety may seem impossible, but with my continued and dedicated support, you can achieve anything! I will support you in the following areas:

  • Understanding the root causes of your anxiety by exploring the intricate web of past experiences, situations and circumstances and current thoughts, feelings and emotions, and how they all feed into each other.

  • You thinking styles and thought patterns and their impact on your emotional health and wellbeing, and how to take control of your thoughts

  • How to declutter your mind and build new ways of thinking that support your personal growth

  • Understanding and moving beyond fear of judgement and failure

  • How to break unwanted patterns of behaviour and build your self-esteem and confidence

  • How to take control and responsibility of your thoughts, feelings and emotions and making lifestyle changes

    The group programme will run over the course of 5 weeks; May 19th, 26th (break for a week) June 9th, 16th & 23rd 8-9pm

    All sessions are live and interactive and you are free to share as much or as little as you want within the sessions!

Join me on a free emotional health coaching call, where you can tell me more about your journey so far, and I can tell you more about the ways in which my mother nurture method group programme can transform your life, and see if it is the right fit for you!

The Investment:

By prioritising your emotional health and wellbeing, you are investing in YOURSELF, your long term wellbeing and your future! The investment in The Mother Nurture Method group emotional health programme is:

£500 (payment plans available of 2 instalments)

Before you doubt if you have the time or money to invest in yourself, think about what the emotional cost is a year from now if you don’t take this step now? Are you willing to lose any more of your life to feeling how you do right now, or are you ready to make a change?

Frequently Asked Questions:

I’m not sure I can afford it but I know I need it!

The Mother Nurture method is truly a life changing programme that will help you overcome anxiety, fears and worries once and for all, and give you life long tools and resources to deal with any challenges in life, not just now but in the future. What you will get back from this course in time, head space, emotional freedom and improved wellbeing will far outweigh the financial investment.

The transition you are going through as a mother right now is the biggest psychological and physiological shift you will ever experience. That transition is hard enough on it’s own, without battling anxiety, self-doubt and low self-worth on top. This whole period in your life can have huge ripple effects through all areas if your life if you don’t take charge of that journey now! Money is nothing in comparison. Think of this as an investment in you, because that’s what it is.

The worth you place on your emotional wellbeing is the worth you place on your future, your baby’s future and your long-term emotional health and wellbeing.  What you learn using this method, will work go towards helping you manage all of life’s ups and down’s, for the rest of your life.

I have suffered with anxiety for so long that I can’t see what life will be like without it and I am worried about how that will feel?

This is such a common worry for those who have dealt with anxiety for so long. Life after anxiety is so much better than the life you are leading now. You have become so accustomed to your thoughts and feelings that they have become your comfort zone. We will work through in the course how to step into the new version of you, and you will find that you have more headspace to enjoy life again and find new ways of being that light you up. This is one of the most exciting parts of the transformation, so don’t fear it.

I’m not sure that I have the time to fit in a course lasting 5-weeks:

Firstly, if being anxiety free is an important issue for you right now, you will find the time for this programme. It is just one hour per week for 5-weeks. I’m sure you can dedicate an hour of your time to make huge life changes. Secondly, doubting you can commit your time is usually a reflection of your doubts about your ability to make the changes you want, and doubting your ability is a reflection of your low self-esteem which we will work on. So ask yourself is time the factor, or is something else holding you back?

I’ve tried so many things before to overcome my anxiety and fears, but nothing works so why would this?

This is such a common worry, but your belief here is that past failure equates to future failure. However there will be many reasons why things you have tried in the past haven’t worked, none of which were your fault, so don’t assume that nothing will work, otherwise you are resigning yourself to accepting that life will never be any better than it is right now. Having worked with pre and postnatal Mums for almost 6 years, I am yet to find a Mum who doesn’t experience a transformation when working with me! Believe in yourself.

If you’re not going to take that step and overcome your mental and emotional issues, when will you? How much more of your life are you willing to give up to anxiety or fear?