The Restore

My 1-day intensive RESTORE deep dive day helps you tackle the root causes of your perfectionism and people pleasing and boost your quiet inner confidence and self-belief.

Perfect for those not yet ready for the commitment of the full 1-1 RESET programme.

This 1-day support programme will give you the space to focus solely on yourself and get powerful, immediate breakthroughs, to lighten the mental and emotional load you are feeling the strain of everyday, helping you see that change is possible.

Available in-person or online.

What It Entails:

  • Pre-Session Prep: Before the day, you will fill out a detailed intake form about your main challenges, thoughts and feelings.

  • Morning Session: Understanding Your Triggers & Beliefs:

    • Uncover and map out the root causes of your perfectionism and people-pleasing tendencies.

    • Explore the most pressing pain points in your life.

    • Teach you tools to reframe negative self-talk and manage perfectionism more effectively.

  • Afternoon Session: Resetting Your Boundaries & Building Confidence

    • Dive into guilt-free boundary-setting and explore simple ways to free up emotional space.

    • Identify key areas where you want to let go of the “good girl” mindset and stop pleasing others at your own expense.

    • Learn ways to prioritise your own needs and find who you are again

    • Build a plan for real-life application, focusing on small but powerful changes you can implement right away.

  • Follow-Up Support: Another 30-minute check in call a month after our day to see how you’re applying the lessons and provide additional accountability for moving forwards.

This is your fast track ticket to getting the spring back in your step, and the sparkle back in your eye, with an unwavering self-acceptance and sky rocketing self-esteem.

In just 1-day I will help you have a mental and emotional refresh and help you build a new perspective and sense of hope and motivation in your life.

£497 per day (Payment plan of 2 x £248.50 available)

Enquire Here: