FREE Masterclass

Pockets of You

‘Pockets of You’ is your step by step masterclass guide on how to have a spring clean of your wants, needs, goals ands aspirations, to add pockets of value into your life where you can thrive, rather than just survive.


It all started when…

You became a Mum for the very first time, your tiny baby was placed in your arms and life as you know it was never the same again.

Your priorities changed and your career, social life, hobbies and interests all got put on hold while you were knee deep in nappies, night feeds and sleeping schedules.

Now you’re hiding in the bathroom to get 5 minutes peace, making 100 snacks a day, re-heating your cup of tea 10 times before you finish it and crashing on the sofa once the kids are in bed and calling it ‘you time.’

It is time to really start adding pockets of time into your day where you focus on yourself and start creating the life you want, creating how you want to be feeling and getting your happy spark, and that twinkle in your eyes back.

In this FREE Masterclass, you will be able to:

  • Map out the 12 ways you can find pockets of time to just be you

  • Create a fun to-do-list of things that light you up

  • Align what you can do for you based on your personal values

  • Create your daily routine that becomes second nature and your personal ‘pockets of you’ lifestyle non-negotiable

Taking place LIVE on Thursday 2nd May @ 10-11am.

Get all the details here:

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