Relax, Release & Reconnect MP3
Relax, Release & Reconnect MP3
I know "you time" can feel hard to achieve when you are juggling mum life, home life, work life and everything else.
You come bottom of the list right?
The last priority?
But who suffers when you don't give yourself any time or care?
I know taking time out makes the mum guilt kick in! You worry about if your kids need you and you're not there. Or you worry about all the things that won't get done if you're not there and it makes the silent to-do list feel overwhelming.
But it is not just you who suffers, when you don't get time out!
Your whole family suffers too.
Beacuse you are running on empty, short tempered, irritable, touched out and overwhelmed.
Just a few minutes each day, or once a week even, will make a huge difference to how happy and balanced you feel.
What if you could take just 12 minutes out of your day today to relax?
Download my "Relax, Release & Reconnect" MP3 which will give you not only 12 minutes of dedicated time for you, but also help you look to the future and move you forward on your wellbeing journey.